gloriafood updates july 2024
by Laura-Andreea Voicu

In July, we released a new video tutorial on our YouTube channel focusing on our Reporting module and how you can reap its benefits as a GloriaFood client.

Plus, we published a new success story coming all the way from Australia and released a variety of guides on our blog. Let’s get started!

New Video Tutorial: How to Use Restaurant Reports to Make Informed Business Decisions

Did you know that data-driven restaurants are 23 times more likely to acquire customers and 6 times as likely to retain them? So why not take advantage of restaurant analytics to increase profits?

Our step-by-step tutorial shows you how the detailed restaurant reports found in our Reporting module can help your business generate more revenue.

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New GloriaFood Success Story: Toukley Thai

toukley thai success story

Toukley Thai is a family-owned business in Toukley, Australia. They serve a wide variety of Thai dishes from chicken satays to tom yum soups, fried noodles, stir-fries, and more.

They started using GloriaFood in 2022 and since then, they have delivered to most of the households in their beautiful seaside town.

Read their story

Fresh Blog Content

Restaurant Drink Menu Ideas to Increase Your Beverage Sales

While food is the star of any restaurant’s menu, you shouldn’t forget about drinks. They can significantly boost profits and improve the dining experience. Here’s a variety of drink ideas you can add to your menu, as well as tips on how to craft a profitable drinks menu.

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7 Suggestive Selling Techniques in Restaurants to Increase Sales

Are you familiar with the term “suggestive selling”? This sales technique refers to encouraging customers to order something different than what they had planned in order to increase the order value. We show you how to implement suggestive selling at your restaurant and why.

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10 Rules of Restaurant Safety to Prevent Accidents & Unhappy Clients

From the cleanliness of your commercial kitchen to the well-being of your employees and customers, restaurant safety is crucial if you want to run a successful and long-lasting business that’s a staple of the community. Keep in mind these ten rules of restaurant safety.

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How to Expand Food Business: Actionable Steps to Increase Revenue

Before scaling your restaurant business, first asses if you’re ready for expansion. We show you how to do that and we walk you through the process of expanding your food business by selling online, expanding to a new location, considering catering, and so on.

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10 Effective Ideas to Make a Restaurant Better

Making your restaurant better can take many shapes, from improving your menu to enabling online ordering, offering irresistible promotions, or upping your social media game. We explore a couple of straightforward ideas that you can implement quickly.

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See you next month!

photo of GloriaFood blog writer Laura-Andreea Voicu
Laura-Andreea Voicu

Laura-Andreea Voicu is an experienced content writer with a knack for marketing and SEO. She creates guides and resources designed to help restaurants grow their presence online and boost sales.

She has been featured on the Oracle Food and Beverage Blog and wrote for Search Engine Journal, Clutch, Sender, Venngage, Quickbooks, and many more.

Find me on LinkedIn.