Restaurant Online Ordering System - Screenshot Pack

Explore the main features of our restaurant ordering system

Online Ordering Widget

Fully intuitive, our website widget can display various options for each item in the menu, so that customers can personalize their meals.

Finalizing the online order is quick’n easy, with all order details showing up in a single-page checkout.

Website Ordering Widget Screenshot

Restaurant Mobile App

You get an ample look at all order details displayed in a clean one-page. All you need to do is click ACCEPT and give an estimated time of order delivery.

Restaurant Mobile App Screenshot

Facebook ordering smart link

Taking orders on Facebook is just a few clicks away. Engage your customers in the amazing experience of starting their food order directly on Facebook. Just use our smart link to add an order button to your restaurant's page.

Facebook ordering smart link screenshot

Restaurant Admin Panel

Access your private area where you can setup your restaurant’s profile, add new details and make modifications.

Restaurant Admin Panel Screenshot